Cashless operation guide

The cashless 3cket takes place directly on participants' cell phones. This solution increases consumption, reduces waiting times and improves the event experience for staff and the end consumer.

1. How do I activate cashless?

Cashless is activated by going to manage event > modules > manage event > cashless. Once cashless is activated, new functions become available that allow you to configure the entire operation in the back office.

➡️ More information about activating cashless

2. Operation setup

The operation must be configured and tested in advance. To do this, you need to create:

  • Work zones - each point of sale is a work zone(Example: Bar 1, Bar 2, Bar 3, Foodtruck A, Foodtruck B).

➡️ More information about work zones

  • Products - all products must be created and associated with their respective work areas.

➡️ More product information

  • Offers - if there are offers associated with tickets, this automation must be configured using the"Offers per ticket" option.

➡️ More information on offers per ticket

  • 3cket Desk codes - the 3cket Desk codes, which unlock different functions on the equipment, allowing total management of the event.

➡️ More information about 3cket Desk codes

3. Remaining balance

Returning the remaining balance is optional. When active, the deadline must be communicated in the communication media with the indication that it must be requested directly on the participants' digital ticket.

➡️ More information about the remaining balance

4. Communication

Communication at the venue serves to inform participants of how they can load the balance directly onto their digital ticket. This communication should be concise, in simple steps and in the languages relevant to the event,

➡️ More information on communication at the venue

5. Day of the event

On the day of the event, a briefing must be given (in advance) to all staff members, following the examples on the operation page, and all equipment used must have the"3cket Desk" application installed and a constant internet connection.

➡️ Complete operating guide