Create an invitation

Invitations are created in manage event > edit event > tickets > create invitation.

To get started, you'll need the following information:

  1. Name - must clearly describe the invitation.
    • Example: Invitation - March 2" or"General Invitation".
  2. Description - optionally, it can include information relevant to the bearer of the invitation.
    • Example:"Includes 3 free drinks" or"This invitation gives access to the VIP area".
  3. Validity - period in which the invitation is valid and can be used by the participant
    • By default it has the same duration as the event and should be changed for multi-day events.
    • ⚠️ Not to be confused with the period in which the invitation is available for sending.
  4. Stock - total number of invitations available.
  5. Place of sale - the place where an invitation is sold is predefined as "backoffice only".
    • This means that the invitation does not appear on the public page and can only be sent via the backoffice by users with access or unlocked by a ticket code.
    • For events with free public registrations - a guest list, for example - it should be changed.
  6. Permission - the different permission levels limit access and sending of invitations to certain groups of users.

💡 After creating the invitation, new features and advanced settings appear.