Create discount codes

Discount codes allow you to apply discounts to tickets available on the sales page.

You create discount codes in manage event > promotional codes >create discount code with the following data:

  1. Quantity - codes to be generated up to a maximum of 100.
  2. Name - describes the code briefly and is displayed on the sales page when it is used.
  3. Prefix - you can add a prefix to the codes you want to create. Example: ABC923154257.
  4. Limit of uses - per code to be generated.
  5. Type - amount or percentage of the discount to be granted.
  6. Validity - period in which the codes can be used.
    • The entire event is displayed by default
    • The dates configured on a specific ticket override these dates
  7. Group - definition of a group for division and ease of research.
  8. Associate sale - the sale resulting from the use of the code can be assigned to a user associated with the event.
  9. Choose the tickets - tickets to which the discount is applied.