General information about the event

The general event information is presented to all participants and is the starting point for creating the event.

General information

  • The name of the event is visible on the sales pages and on participants' tickets.
  • The start and end dates define the duration of the event.
    • ⚠️ The dates chosen limit ticket configurations and other functionalities. It will not be possible, for example, to create tickets outside the date and time set for the event.
  • The defined language is used as the main language of the event. On the digital ticket, each participant can choose their own language.
  • The category allows the event to be placed in a particular segment.
  • When you enter the address of the event, a dot appears on the map that you can move to the right place.
  • The name of the venue (optional) can be used to add relevant information to the address.
  • If you activate the secret location option, the address will not be shown to the participants.