Returning tickets

Tickets can be returned via participant management. When you enter the participant's record and go to the Tickets tab, two return options appear:

  • Return or cancel
    • Choose the tickets to be refunded - the participant must finish the order on your digital ticketindicating the destination IBAN.
      • (Free tickets or invitations are automatically canceled).
  • Returned by the promoter
    • The promoter will refund the price of the ticket directly to the participant.

⚠️ Important information

  1. Only refund requests finalized by the participant on the digital ticket are valid.
  2. The estimated return period is 7 working days.
  3. Refunds are only available until the event closes.
  4. Once a return, cancellation or cash refund has been authorized, it is not possible to reverse the action.
  5. It is only possible to authorize a full refund of the amount paid for each ticket.