Financial analytics

In the new financial dashboard we have full control of the event in real time, now in a simpler way.

🗓 By default, the total event information is displayed, but you can limit it to a specific date range in which the operations took place to find out, for example, what sales or returns there were on a specific day. You can also view information relating only to the box office or the cashless operation.

At the top, with a purple background, the financial balance of the event is shown. This figure adds up the event's sales and removes the amount returned to participants. Below is a breakdown of the balance between 3cket and the event organizer: sales and returns made online result in the 3cket balance and sales and returns made by the organizer result in the promoter's balance.

We can expand the information by clicking on each rectangle, which details the amount received and returned by each person and, in the case of cashless, information on the consumption and remaining balance of the participants in the event.

You can also follow the evolution of sales and returns on the graph and the breakdown between the payment methods used (online vs. in person).

The commissions and other costs payable to 3cket are now in a dedicated 3cket com Costs tab:

  1. costs related to the box office - commissions for online and in-person ticket sales and issuing invitations
  2. cashless costs - cashless commission applied to shipments and fixed costs per participant
  3. costs of modules and other services purchased from 3cket - by clicking on this rectangle, the details of which modules have been purchased and their cost will appear
  4. amount already transferred to the event organizer - clicking on this rectangle displays the transaction history with the description used for the transfer