Create tickets and invitations

The "Tickets" tab is where all the tickets and invitations for the event are created and managed. 

Create a new ticket or invitation

After selecting the " Create Ticket" or "Create Invitation " option, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Ticket name: The name must be concise and objectively define the ticket.
    • Example: "Daily Ticket - June 1st" or "General Access -1st Lot".
  • Description: Optionally, you can add a short text describing a particular feature of the ticket you are creating. 
    • Example: "This ticket includes : 2 Gift Drinks"
  • The ticket is valid from/until: Here you define the dates on which the ticket is valid. You can only select dates between the start and end of the event. 
  • Ticket price: Here you set the ticket price to the second decimal place. 
  • Stock: Here you define the total stock for the ticket you are creating. You can add/reduce stock at any time.
  • Place of sale: Here you define whether the tickets will be available on a public sales page + backoffice, on ambassador pages + backoffice or only on the backoffice.
  • Permission: Here you set the permission for selling tickets. By default it is set to "Seller", which means that anyone who is associated with the event can sell tickets. By changing the permission you are limiting the type and number of people who can sell tickets via the backoffice.

Advanced settings

Once the ticket or invitation has been created, you can configure it in more detail by clicking on the rectangle corresponding to the ticket/invitation you want to edit. There are 4 categories in which you can make changes: Sale, Automation, Cashless settings and Digital ticket.


  • State: Here the status of the digital ticket is set.
    • Active - The ticket appears on the sales page and is available for purchase.
    • Sold out - The ticket appears on the sales page, with no possibility of purchase and the "Sold out" symbol in the top right-hand corner.
    • Inactive - The ticket does not appear on the sales page and cannot be used at the event. 
  • Sales start/end: Here you define the period in which the ticket or invitation is available on the sales page.
    ⚠️ The sales dates are not related to the expiry dates of the tickets. Sale ≠ Expiry.
  • Ticket limit per order: Here you define the maximum number of tickets a customer can purchase in a single order.
  • Original stock: Here you define the original stock of the ticket or invitation.


  • When this ticket sells out, it automatically opens sales for: Here you optionally define which ticket appears on the sales page when the ticket in question sells out.
    ⚠️ The status of the ticket that will replace the sold-out ticket must be set to " Inactive".
  • When the participant buys this ticket, they give it away: Here you can optionally define the quantity and type of ticket to be offered when purchasing the ticket in question.
    • Example: Original ticket - "Table for 6 people"; Quantity and ticket to be offered - 5 "Companion" tickets, this ticket being sold exclusively in the back office and costing 0€.

Cashless settings

By default, the cashless settings are deactivated. When activated, the following can be configured:

  • Credit limit: This is where the credit limit associated with ticket holders for making cashless payments at the event is set.
    ⚠️ Activating and setting a credit limit means that the customer can consume up to the defined amount on a post-payment basis.

Digital ticket

Here you can personalize your ticket or invitation individually. You can change the logo, background image and wallet color